Protect Your Crops from the Unexpected
Article By: Mark Chilson, Durand Market President Insurance Sales Manager for SFB
It is not too early to think about next year's crop insurance. As farmers lock in next year's crop inputs (seed, fertilizer and fuel), one must also consider where commodity prices are and try to lock in a profit margin.
Here are a few crop insurance products that SFB offers that can help your farming operation:
Rainfall Index (RI) insurance product covers against a decline in rainfall indices. Rainfall Index policies include Pasture and Forage. Sales closing date is 11-15-21 for the 2022 crop year.
Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) policies provide yield protection guarantees and/or revenue protection guarantees for corn, soybeans and other spring crops. This has a sales closing date of 3-15-2022 for the 2022 crop year.
Enhanced Coverage Protection (ECO) is an area-based supplemental shallow-loss coverage that covers losses from 86 percent up to 90 or 95 percent. This would be in addition to your existing underlying individual buy-up Multi-Peril crop insurance policy. Sales closing for this is also 3-15-2022 for spring crops.
Crop-Hail Insurance - Hail is one peril that can decimate a portion of your field and leave the rest undamaged. his can provide protection on a per-acre basis. And with hail insurance, we can offer a wind endorsement as well. Sales closing for hail insurance with a wind endorsement no later than 7-1-2022, but prior to any hail or wind damage.
RPowerD - This product allows the policyholder to complement the risk coverage of revenue policies through additional price discovery methods beyond those offered under the MPCI plans of insurance. It also allows the policyholder to take additional action by customizing the price discovery for crop prices to better match their own marketing and risk management needs. Sales closing date is 4-1-2022 for 2022 spring crops.
You can contact Mark Chilson at SFB at 715-672-2422 about these or any other crop insurance products that we have to offer. Equal Opportunity Provider