Securing Your Data
To protect your online information from cyber-attacks or data theft, it is important to follow precautions with strong passwords and backed-up files.
The first step to securing your information is to password-protect your different accounts.
- Set different passwords for your accounts with a mixture of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and symbols.
- Store your passwords in a safe place.
- Take advantage of multi-step authorization when available.
To protect yourself against data loss, back up your electronic data with these steps.
- Print out all electronic receipts and important documents and file them in a safe place.
- Many computers come with a software program that allows you to make copies of every file and program on your computer.
- Cloud backup service is best to store an unlimited amount of backup data.
- External hard drives are best if your computer contains large files or serves as a library for images, music, and video files.
Security Financial Bank's online banking is secure with multi-step authorization. Learn more about accessing your account here: Ways to Access Your Account | Security Financial Bank (sfbank.com)