Jenny Jereczek Appointed Durand Market President
Mark Oldenberg, president and CEO of Security Financial Bank (SFB), is pleased to announce that Jenny Jereczek, director of ag banking, has been appointed market president for SFB's Durand location effective January 1, 2023.
Mark Chilson, who previously served as the Durand market president, will be focusing his attention on SFB's growing insurance sales market. Jereczek will take more of an administrative role as the market president but also will continue to serve as the director of ag banking.
"SFB is very committed to serving the local community, clients, and employees," Jereczek said. "I am looking forward to playing a more direct role in helping SFB carry out this commitment."
Jereczek first joined SFB in 2009 as a credit analyst. As a Durand native, she is passionate about both agriculture and the local community.
"I am pleased to extend this promotion to Jenny as she is an excellent ag lender and does a great job as the director of ag banking," Oldenberg said. "I look forward to seeing Jenny take on this new role."
Jereczek is a graduate of both the Wisconsin Bankers Association (WBA) Ag Lending and Commercial Lending schools and the Graduate School of Banking. She serves on the WBA Ag Bankers Section Board and has expertise in several government lending programs, including Farm Service Agency, SBA, WHEDA, and USDA programs.
Jereczek can be reached at jjereczek@sfbank.com and 715-672-2427.