8 Reasons You Should Switch to E-Statements
Article By: Becky Seelen
You may have been a bit sluggish to switch from paper to electronic statements, but now is the time to make the change! We are convinced that once you see the benefits, you'll wish you had done it so much sooner!
1. It's Faster Than Snail Mail
Want to get your statements as soon as possible? Electronic statements will be available the day after the statement period ends. No waiting for the mail.
2. 24/7 Access to Important Information
Any time you want to know about your account, you can log on and find the information you need.
3. It's More Secure
With electronic statements, you don't need to worry about someone intercepting your mail and viewing your confidential information.
4. Tax Information Available
Need to get a copy of your 1099 tax forms? If you are enrolled in e-statements, you have access to this information electronically.
5. Helps You Stay Organized
A year's worth of statements is saved on your online banking account helping you to reduce clutter and stay organized.
6. It's Better for the Environment
Think of all the trees you will be saving!
7. Print is Always an Option
If you ever need a printed copy of your statement, just print off the statements you need right from your home computer.
8. It's Easy to Sign Up
All you have to do is email customerservice@sfbank.com or call Customer Service at 888.254.0615. You also can self-enroll on your online banking account.